Miami University, Oxford, Ohio Univerzita Palackého, Olomouc

The history of the project

The history of the project started in 1993 at the basic school of Frantisek Stupka (that's why it is sometimes called Fra-Stupky Project) and a year by year has spread to other schools in the Olomouc region. The number of them has always been limited by the number of Miami University students coming to Olomouc, e. g. in 2005, 2010 and 2011 we had gap years because none or only a couple of graduate students from MU (who come to Prague almost every year but aren't involved in the teaching part) had come.

The list of schools, which participated in the last years in the program or have been still involved in the project:
Zakladní škola Olomouc, Hálkova 4
Zakladní škola Olomouc, Fr. Stupky 16
Zakladní škola Olomouc, Holečkova 4
Gymnázium Hejčín, Tomkova 45
Slovanské gymnázium, Tř. J. z Poděbrad 31
Zakladní škola Olomouc, Řezníčkova 1 (was involved only once)
Střední škola podnikatelská Věrovany (doesn't exist any more)
Zakladní škola Uničov, Pionýrů 685 (was involved in 90ieth)

Here are some photos from previous years 1995 – 2009:

We hope they will have the power to pass their unforgettable atmosphere. Unfortunately, we don't have access to any exact statistics but we guess that during the time of the existence of the project about 140 MU students have participated in it (some of them even twice!) and they have imprinted to memories of more than 2000 students at our elementary and secondary schools.

Perhaps you'll be able to find some of your older mates from MU who visited Olomouc and took part in our project.

Year 1995 with Betty, Brian and Pat Final photo from June 1996 - Halkova School From final presentations - June 1997 - Halkova School Minda and her presents in 1998 At a brewery - June 1999
At Bouzov Castle - June 2000 Final photo from June 2002 - Halkova School "Vsichni sneci" at Zbrojnice Restaurant in 2003 On a trip to a nearby castle in 2004 A gap year 2005
Kat and kids in the classroom 2006 Year 2007 - Howard´s angels Both graduates and undergraduates of 2008 At the very end in June 2009 A gap year 2010